Because of modern medicine and a growing population there has been a tremendous increase in our elderly population. This continued growth has put a strain on the assisted living and nursing home industry. Like any other industry, nursing homes are motivated by profit, and many times this leads to neglect and/or abuse of their residents. In many cases, these physically and or mentally impaired residents cannot notify the officials of the neglect or abuse they are experiencing. Most patients rely upon others to ensure that their health needs are met and to assist to them with the activities of daily living.
At The Law Offices of Joseph M. Todd, we rely on friends or families of the patients to come forward and tell us of their loved ones abuse or neglect. The basic rights and dignity of an individual should not be lowered just because that person has reached an age where she or he requires help of others. Our firm has developed a comprehensive, aggressive approach to combat indignities suffered by this vulnerable segment of our society which often avoids the lengthy process of litigation.
If you have any questions for an attorney regarding elderly abuse, please contact our law firm in Jonesboro on our personal injury hotline at (770) 477-7878.